

Angry Bird

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This is the name, Jake

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In the past 6 months, DC had decided his name to be Jake who  is the main protagonist of the series and leader of the Never Land Pirates. He has a wooden sword, which was given to him by Peter Pan. He had fellow kid pirates, Cubby (me) who had the map and Izzy (DC's mom) who had  a small sack of pixie dust. Skully as green parrot who acts like a guardian to the team is DC's grandmother. 




Yo Ho Mateys Away-the pirate song 

Skully: Is everyone ready?

Jake: I've got my sword.

Cubby: I've got my map.

Izzy: And I've got my pixie dust. Fairies gave it to me so we can fly, but only in emergencies.

(Singing the Pirate Song)

The Pirate Kids: Yo ho, mateys away! There'll be treasure and adventure today.

Skully: Let's go!

The Pirate Kids: Heave ho, here we go, together as a team. Jake and the Never Land Pirates, and me.


Red Envelope Collection Tour

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The Red Envelope Collection Tour began on Feb 2, 2011.
DC took THSR with DCM and DCP.
All the way, DC slept calmly until at Chia-Yi Station, when he wake up with weary eyes, he still can not tell where he is.
DCM help DC wear new shoes. The pix was taken at priority seat.

This is the feast of reunion dinner at Wan-Nei on Chinese New Year eve 2011. A little diferent from DCP's childhood memory, the dishes and taste might be changed probable owning to DCP mom's illness. Every kids had took the shower earlier before the feast begins. 
It's a pitty that DC went to bed early and miss the reunion dinner including the red envelope give-away.
Don't worry, DCP had gathered the red envelopes for DC, and when DC woke up at 4:00 AM on the first day of the rabbit year. DCP had returned the red envelopes one by one to DC.
The next day is sunshine at Wan-Nei, DC and DCM enjoyed the weather very much.

See, DC was running toward DCP after a spoon taste from DCM. DC had rice in his mouth.

DC returned to Taipei and received the red enve...., no gold envelopes from hs aunties.

After receiving the gold envelopes, DC returned with traditional Chinese salute " congratulations" toward aunties.

DC and Wing saluted together....Happy :)

DC had another feast with his family again at Ban-Qiao "蔥油餅的故鄉" on Feb 5, 2011.

DC loved the feast very much and finished the final dish before leaving the baby seat. DC also loved to use the spoon and took the taste himself.

DC loved to show off the Salute, not only shaking up and down, bu also from left to right with hands holding. DCM had tought DC this salute variant earlier.

To the end of the Red Envelope Collection Tour, Totally DC received 7 red envelopes and 2 gold envelopes.

Including 995566 and 995588 from DCP.

DCP had one 666 from DCP's father, and DCP decided to give 666 to DCM so DCM could have better luck through the rabbit year.
The end of story, the begin of the rabbit year.

Jake and Roy All Rights Reserved. Baby Blog Designed by Ipiet | All Image Presented by Tadpole's Notez | Adapted by Ei-Tachi Chin