

DC update

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For those who miss DC, and who can not see DC frequently, here comes a chance to relieve the eager.

Name: DC
Gender: Boy
Nationality: Taiwan
Birth place: Taipei, National Taiwan University Hospital
Birthday: Oct 18, 2009
Birth body weight: 3692 gm
Birth body length: 51.5 cm
First taste: breast milk
First formula milk: Similac (Abbott Nutrition)
Current formula milk: Enfalac A plus infant formula (Mead Johnson)
Growth and development
  First identifiable tooth: Lower two incisor milk teeth (March 13, 2010)

  Current teeth: nine
  Current body weight: 9.6 Kg
  Current body length: 75-78cm
Past medical history
 1. Neonatal jaundice (Oct 21 2009)

     2. Multiple insect bite (March 1, 2010)

      3. Febrile illness without rashes (countless)
Vaccination: as scheduled, including influenza and Rota virus vaccination

Current technique:
  kiss bye
  assisted walk
  telephone answering

   Pushing button
   Pretends crying when been blamed
Current vocabulary: BABA, MAMA.......
Current loved iPAD game
  Baby sound touch
Current loved toy
Current favorite book
   My Very First book of Animal sounds (by Eric Carle)
   My Very First book of  food (by Eric Carle)

Current loved music:
  Lovely Baby (by Raimond Lap)

Future task:
   learn unassisted walk
   learn to talk
   gains more ponds, and grows taller

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